Call:(818) 436-7540
Logo, Sal G Stassi & Associates, Insurance Agency in Woodland Hills, CA
22311 Ventura Blvd., Suite 121
Woodland Hills, CA 91364-1561

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Medicare Supplements

Medicare won't cover all of your medical, dental, and vision costs, so Medicare supplements from Sal G Stassi & Associates are extremely valuable. Our monthly emailed newsletter, titled "Lifestyles," is sent to our clients to keep you in the loop on different subjects related to Medicare. Click here to view our most current newsletter.


The Importance of Medicare

As a senior, and a Medicare recipient for several years, and an insurance agent since 1974, I possess the knowledge and experience that can only be acquired with time. If you allow me an hour of your time, I can help make your selection process easy, quick, and correct. During your consultation, we cover subjects such as:

• Do you know how to sign up for Social Security Part A and Part B?
• Do you know what type of benefits each part provides?
• Do you know when to sign up to ensure guaranteed issue with preexisting conditions covered?
• Do you know how much you will have to contribute monthly for Part A and Part B? Your supplement ?
• Your Rx plan?            

Elders, Medicare Supplements in Woodland Hills, CA
Hold my hand, let's walk thru life and grow old together.
    Please accept our personal invitation to a trouble free, no obligation, no stress, and no fee approach to your Medicare supplement.